
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweet Potato, Eggs and Bacon Breakfast

This breakfast meal is really simple and so good.

1. Fry your bacon

(2 1/2oz bacon)

Once bacon is done remove from pan and place aside. 

2. Place your shredded sweet potato in a little of the left over grease and cook until softened.

(5oz sweet potato)

You can shred your sweet potato with a cheese grater or your food processor. It should look like the image above when shredded. 

3. Add eggs

(2 whole eggs and 1/4 cup of egg whites)

Scramble into mix until eggs are done.

Crumble bacon on top and enjoy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tomato Basil Chicken


3 Chicken Brest
Sea Salt
3 Cups Homemade Tomato Sauce
(or you can use jar tomato sauce but it needs to be as close to all natural as possible)
Shaved Almonds
( just to add a little good fat)
Basil just to jazz it up

First you will need to cover your chicken in all three spices then pour tomato sauce over the chicken breast until covered. Then add almond shavings, two leaves of basil, cover and bake for 2 to 3 hours on 350 degrees.

This is a really simple meal for those busy in and out the door days. Hope you enjoy it.


I'm on day three now and today I have felt a bit tired. There could be a couple reasons here. I'm either not sleeping enough(I get up at 4:30am, and have been going to bed at 10pm) I'm not eating enough calories, or I'm just starting to feel a change from not having anything processed. After my workout today at 1pm I did have more energy and even during my workout I felt good. So workout wise I felt better. I added about 15 extra grams of fat today for more calories to see if that helps with my energy during the day time. Next I will add in more carbohydrates. More veggies!!! This 21 day challenge is a great trial and error for me. I am one to stay as strict as possible, but I will adjust anything I need to help with my performance. Anyway, heres todays food log so far.

6:30am- 2 scoops Isagenix(whey protein from grass feed cows) 1 tbsp almond butter
*I had a doctors appointment for my foot, so I had to wait a little longer then usual for my 2nd meal
11am- 5 oz sweet potato, 2 cage free eggs, 1/4 cage free egg whites, 2 oz no nitrate bacon
2:30- 1/2 cup water, 2 scoops egg white protein, 2 tbsp almond butter, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 banana, 1 tsp cinnamon

What God is showing me lately...
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 1 Corinthians 12:9

When God is testing our faith, alot of weaknesses(insecurities) begain to come up. God is showing us these areas so that His strength may reside in those places of our lives. At the time it might hurt, be painful, or frustrating, but God is just cleaning us up so that when we walk through the purification His power may rest on us, and we are called overcomers for his glory. Thank God he never stops working out our faith. There is power in a choice, so choose to walk by faith, and be cleansed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Paleo Burgers

Ingredient :

2 lbs grass fed ground beef

Sea salt, black pepper, and garlic powder to taste

4 Pieces of Bacon

3 Avocados

2 Large sweet potatoes shredded
(This you can do in your food processor or with a cheese grater)

2 Tbsp olive oil

 Mix the ground beef and spices (salt, pepper and garlic powder) together and form into hamburger patties and set aside. Next you’ll need to fry the bacon, remove from the pan and set aside. Then you'll take your shredded sweet potatoes and fry in some of the bacon grease. Do this over a medium heat until your shredded sweet potatoes is soft. While sweet potatoes are frying pan fry your hamburger patties. Then take your avocados and mash into a guacamole consistency. When burgers are done and sweet potatoes too, layer the avocado and sweet potatoes and enjoy.

You will really love this simple meal it's loaded with flavor.

9/27/2011 Food Log

8:30am- 2 scoops Isagenix with 1 tbsp almond butter

11am- 5 oz sweet potato, 2 cage free eggs, 1/4 cage free egg white, 2 oz no nitrate bacon

1pm- 7 1/2 oz salmon, 2 cups asparagus, 2 oz sweet potato, 1/2 avacado

4pm- 5oz cage free chicken, 1 apple, 1 tbsp almond butter

8pm- 3oz Bison, 1 Orange pepper, 1 Avacado

Monday, September 26, 2011

21 Day challange

Well, I started my 21 day challenge today! Here's the breakdown of pretty much of what I'll be staying away from and what I will be eating. I'm doing this because I have never challenge myself with nutrition. I want to feel better, improve my performance in Crossfit, and grow my knowledge to help others who want to do the same. I believe if you can stick to anything for 21 days it develops a habit. I also believe that our pyhsical health benefits our spiritual health, and God knows I'll need his help!

My motto: "Every time you don't feed the flesh, it gets a little bit weaker."

Stay away from: Sugar, wheat, gluten, barley, rye, grains, processed foods, alcohol, starches, artificial sweeteners, no added hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, and butter.

What I will be eating: cage free eggs, eggs whites, fish, seafood, cage free chicken, grass feed beef, bison, egg white protein, all and as much as possible vegetables, roots, tubers, a little fruit, spices, nuts, and seeds. I'm looking more into dairy and might allow small amounts(only for post workouts, or breakfast)

My day so far:

6:30am Isagenix shake(This IS a protein shake that does contain milk. Its a protein from New Zealand and is from grass feed cows. It has no wheat, gluten, barley or rye.) This could change...

8:30 5 oz sweet potato, 2 cage free eggs(Wall-mart), 1/4 cup cage free egg whites(drug emporium), 2 oz no nitrate no preservatives bacon(drug emporium)

11pm 1 bell pepper, 4-5oz Bison, 1/2 avocado

2pm Post workout: 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup eggwhite protein, 1 banana, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 cup ice

5pm: 5 oz cage free chicken, 1 apple, 1 tbsp almond butter

8pm: 8 oz Salmon, 2 cup asparagus, 1/2 avacado

Workout out:
Back squat 3x5 @ 315
Deadlift 3x5 @ 405

3 rounds
10 Handstand push ups
7 front squats 225

3 hours later

Row sprints: 2 rounds 200m/rest 1 min 180m/rest 50 second rest 160m/40 second rest 140m/30 second rest 120m/20 second rest 100m/1 min rest

Saturday, September 24, 2011



Max rep bench press @ body weight
Max rep pull ups

18/50 14/40 11/32 12/33 10/25

Set a PR on max pull ups doing 50 in a row.
Monday I start a new cycle of programming. Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Deload week on Heavy Lifting. I will get back to the next cycle next monday.

Monday 9/19/11


Deadlift 225lbs
Handstand push up

10 rounds
30 seconds sprint/30 second rest

I'm about to be only training 3 days a week I want to see how that goes with my body. I also need to get some things in line, and TRY not to focus so much on my training but with other things in life. Most importantly God. Its going to look something like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ill do some interval or conditioning/skill in the early morning and late afternoon when I get off work, while getting a WOD and some strength in mid afternoon. I will probably do 2-a-days on these days. Tuesday and thursday will be more then likely days I just concentrate on mobilty and rest. We will see how it goes!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011




Looked to PR.
155,175,185,195, missed 205, missed 205
I need to work on my Overhead squats because I can get under the weight, I just can't fully lock out and squat it up. My next cycle I will definitely be putting these in.

3xmax pull up Total 83
10-1 push up
1-10-1 air squat


5 rounds Not for time:
10 tire flips
10 Hand stand push up
3 muscle ups

Tabata Row
3 rounds

Tabata is doing a exercise for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for 8 rounds.

Find 1 RM deadlift 455#

Friday, September 9, 2011



Max effort Press/Dynamic Deadlift
Deadlift 80%x3 85%x3 90%x3 365/395/410>did 4 reps
Deadlift 5x2 with bands, and from a high position(Used the rack to where bar was right below the knees)
Floor Press 5x10 135/145/145/155/155

Sled pulls using a rev fly 70lb
Ghd sit ups

Ring dips
Hammer curl 55

Today was a day I didn't really feel like doing a wod. I made sure to get my strength in, and then did stuff that sounded some what fun. Its friday...I was just glad to be here and get something done.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Active Rest Day


Today I felt like doing nothing, but I like to try to get an active rest day in to work on extra conditioning and skill work. One other day a week I take off fully.

5K run
2min jog 65%/30 second sprint 75%

Time: 21 min

Max weighted pull up
Max weighted dip
Assisted max Handstand push up

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



5 Min calorie row-95cals
4 min max muscle up-22
3 min max kb swing-57
2 min max handstand push up-22
1 min max toe to bar-33

1 min rest between rounds

Total: 229

Definitly need to improve...

Cashout: 3 rounds
300m sled pull

Tuesday, September 6, 2011



Max effort front squat/Dynamic Clean

Warm up: Team 2000m row

Front squat 80%x3 85%x3 90%x3 255/275/285

Amrap in 10 min
3 Power cleans @ 55% 1RM 155
1 round of Cindy(5 pullups, 10 Push ups, 15 Air squats)

10 rounds + 1 Clean

Cashout: 2x Max L-sit

Monday, September 5, 2011



Max effort snatch/Dynamic Snatch Balance
Burgener warm up x3
Snatch Balance 3x2 95lbs (Speed and technique)

Squat snatch 80%x3 85%x3 90%x3 155/165/175
Missed my third rep at 175. I was trying to string all three reps together.

Muscle up
squat snatch 135

Time: 5:29

*Really tough workout. Shoulders are pretty toast but it was actually really hard on my lungs. I was glad to finally get this workout under my belt. What was even more cool was I got to do it with alot of the other crew. Thanks Ben, Kyle, Amanda, and Nick for the fun!

Saturday, September 3, 2011



1.5 mile bike to gym

1 min on/1 min off for ten min
30 kb swings 53lb

Any round I didn't get 30 swings I counted it as a 1000 m row penalty.

Ended up rowing 2000m

1.5 mile back home

Friday, September 2, 2011



After coming off a full day of rest I was actually really sore from wednesday. Also, I had taken a full week of before this week so getting my body back into it was rough. I had a pretty good training session besides hating me some Handstand push ups!

Max effort deadlift/Dynamic Push Jerk

Deadlift 75%x5 80%x5 85%x5 345/365/385
Deadlift 3x10 225/245/255

100 double unders
5 rounds
5 Push Jerks 145
7 Handstand push up
9 Chest to bar pull ups

Time: 10:52

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Heart Check up

I feel I and we have been in a season of God really examining our hearts. He is checking our attitudes, our motives, our desires good or bad. (Proverbs 21:2) God wants the center of our hearts and the Holy Spirit wants to engulf every area of our lives. Bottom line is we have to get lined up with God’s will. Is this hard and a constant struggle for you too? I think it is for me because I constant think about what I want to do in life and where I want to be and how successful and satisfied I want to be.  Is it bad to think about success and all these good things? No, I don’t think so, but if it’s squeezing out the presence of God in my life because my focus stays on it then yes. God does want us to be successful (Jeremiah 29:11), but He wants more for our hearts to be in line and right with Him because the scripture tell us apart from God we can do nothing, but through Christ I can do all things. So, if you feel like you are going against the grain or your confused about where you are going or about what God wants you to do, stop and get at the feet of God and let Him purify your heart today. We got to get to a place in our hearts of fully trusting God with our lives because He is the great ‘I am”. He is our provider and I believe we are at a place of Him wanting to show us that.