
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Your time is coming"

This morning I had a little down time so I took off to Academy thinking I might go buy a shirt for work. I looked around then figured I dont really need a shirt so I left. I wanted to stop by a gas station to get some razors to keep at work to stay fresh and clean. As I pulled in it dawned on me I didn't have my wallet. I asked the Lord what the heck! Knowing He gave me the idea to pull into the gas station to show me I didn't have my wallet I thought I'm glad I knew then because I wouldn't of noticed tell later in the day. So I embarked back to Academy in conversation with the Lord asking Him what are you teaching me in this, because He has really been teaching me so much lately. I have been injured and haven't been able to train for regionals which has been a discouragement to me. There are a couple other things but we will keep it at that. Anyway I walked back into Academy and the first thing that caught my eye was a shirt that had written on it "Your time is coming". I knew instantly that was a message from the Lord about all I was going through. I also knew thats why the whole turn of events happend. Thank you God that you speak in the small things when we have our ears and eyes open to you. What is God allowing in your life today to get you attention and dependance on Him?

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