
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Don't wear out your welcome"

Have you not heard it ever since you were young. "Don't wear out your welcome." When I was young I never really understood what that meant. Who wants to back off of doing something they love and enjoy right? And who in their right mind would get tired of hanging out with me? Joke. Well ever since I injured my back I have had to take some time off of training and getting ready for regionals. Oh crap how do you not train and be ready for something so intense. When you find the answer let me know. All I can think of is the strength of my savior, which I'm going to need indeed. Anyways, back to don't wear out your welcome. When you don't get to do something you enjoy for awhile you actually start to miss it, and wish you could be doing it. The same is with me about crossfit. When doing it all the time I actually want to get away from it and take some time off so I don't become consumed by it or in my case become injured and "wear out my welcome." So, I actually got to get back into some training this week. I wasn't really planning on doing to much since I just got back into the gym. I was just going to do a couple 1000m runs trying to get prepared for the first workout which is 1000m, 30 handstand push ups, 1000m row. As I got done with my 1000m run I kinda staggered into the crossfit room and got a burst of energy to keep moving and moving fast. I flipped up onto the wall and busted out my 30 handstand push ups flipped back down grabbed a rower and rowed hard for 1000m. I dont know what my time was, but I felt good. When I got done with my endorfine release I entered into a moment with the Lord and thanked him for blessing me and allowing me to workout. We both know how much I enjoy the exliterating feeling I get during and after I workout. I never really thought how blessed we are to actually have the bodies to do such things. When we get consumed with something we sometimes forget that its God allowing it and its actually a gift we get to use and enjoy. It says all gifts come from heaven and I myself need to realize that more often. After I sat there I heard, "don't wear out your welcome." Again I knew that was the Lord telling me don't get so consumed with things, specially crossfit. Take time away from it, and spend more time with me is what I felt the Lord saying. Once we take time off of things we enjoy and put that time into knowing Jesus we will actually enjoy the things we think we love. As your mom or dad once said, "don't wear out your welcome."

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