
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Take what's yours"

Have you ever felt like you have been stolen from? Or like something is yours and then it's gone? I know in my life I feel like sometimes I missed out, or fell short of something that was mine. I also know I serve a challanging God is who always nudging me and pushing me towards my destiny. This year specially I have been feeling the Lord push at me, sometimes to even making me angry and frustrated. But I am always thankful that He doesn't give up on me because He must see something I don't. I am on a mission to seeing what He see's and taking whats mine. I was walking through the gym today and I heard "take whats yours." I am tired of the devil stealing from me and my destiny, but also thankful the Lord allows it to wake me up. I pray God keeps pushing me towards my passion and my destiny. So, if this is you too hold on. God is trying to get you to your next place. Each road is a road toward our desiny. We must not stop when the devil steals from us because God gives life and life in abundance. We must TAKE whats ours and proclaim what is ours. Even out loud! So right now in Jesus name I say that whatever the devil has stolen from me and my family I say you have to pay it back. I pray Lord you give us a passion for you and your dreams for us and that we may be filled with your spirit and your strength to take whats ours. And when things get hard you would keep pushing us forward and give us understanding that you are building us up to recieve what you have. Let's take whats ours! Search out your passion and where you are called to be. God show us. Lead us. We come to you for guidance.
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10

Don't hate on my song. lol

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