
Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Positive thinking"

Raise your hand if you have been thinking negatively this week.(My hand is up too). Did you know that God showed us long ago to be careful how we think because our life is shaped by our thoughts? That means the way we think determines our emotions and our emotions determine our actions. Our words and thoughts can determine our destiny also. We have got to start taking negative thoughts captive and reversing it to positive thinking. Lets be realistic here though. I know I myself can be pretty optimistic, so let's try to think realistically with positive thoughts. What lately has been something negative creep into your mind? Doubt? fear? worry? Those are three things I know I struggle with. You know another thing I struggle with? Discouragement. Why? Because I sometimes allow these thoughts to creep into my mind and then it gets into my emotions so then I suddenly get hit with discouragement! So I am going to challenge myself to begin to take every thought captive and think positive. No matter the circumstance we are in, good or bad the word of God says No weapon formed against you shall prosper(Isaiah 57:17) The only weapon that can prosper into our lives are negative thoughts and words. It also says we will stay in CONSTANT peace who's mind is stayed on God.(Isaiah 26:3) To finish Proverbs 4:23 says, "Be care how you think: your life is shaped by your thoughts.

So the challenge today is no matter the circumstance lets try to think straight keeping our thoughts and mind of Christ!

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