
Monday, May 23, 2011

How to be content in any situation

Contentment...What a hard thing. Well this morning I woke up early to be with the Lord and seek to know Him and His plan for me. For some reason the fact of knowing what He has has sometimes scared me because I know in my heart it might call for me to give something up. Maybe everything. Who in their right mind ever wants to give something up they love and desire to do? Well anyone who commits their lives to Jesus Christ. I have given him my life, and trying to continuley give him ever piece of my heart he wants. My prayer is to be committed to the Lord and to whatever He wants me to do. Is it hard at times? Heck yeah. Does it cause pain? Does it cause discouragement? You bet, but I believe only for a moment. I am natrually selfish and I think everyone is if they are honest with themselves, and sometimes we dont want to give up things. I believe the Lord works all things together for the good of those who love Him, and I sure love Jesus. Everything that is going on with us is most of the time a mystery that only God the Father knows. Thats why its hard to be content in situations because we don't know the outcome. This is all coming from just sitting this morning and thinking to myself that there is a great chance I wont be able to compete at regionals this year because of a back problem. God knows I want to go because I enjoy pushing my limits and competing against myself and other athletes. Its hard to swallow that I might not go but I know God is teaching me something in this. I know there is a time and a season for everything. I believe God teaches us in things we enjoy doing. Sometimes good, and sometimes bad. We must learn to be content in any situation and know God has a plan for us. No matter what keep your eyes on God for He is our protector. No matter how hard your circumstance is and even if you dont want to talk to God about it. Do it.

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. 1 Timothy 6:6

Know these things:
1. Conditions are always changing, therefore I must obviously not be dependent upon conditions.
2. What matters supremely and vitally is my soul and my relationship to God--that is the first thing.
3. God is concerned about me as my Father, and nothing happens to me apart from God. Even the very hairs of my head are all numbered. I must never forget that.
4. God's will and God's ways are a great mystery, but I know that whatever He wills or permits is of necessity for my good.
5. Every situation in life is the unfolding of some manifestation of God's love and goodness. Therefore my business is to look for this peculiar manifestation of God's goodness and kindness and to be prepared for surprises and blessings because 'His ways are not my ways, neither His thoughts my thoughts.'
6. I must regard circumstances and conditions, not in and of themselves therefore, but as a part of God's dealings with me in the work of perfecting my soul and bringing me to final perfection.
7. Whatever my conditions may be at this present moment they are only temporary, they are only passing, and they can never rob me of the joy and the glory that ultimately await me with Christ.

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