
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Avoiding Injury while going heavy

So while training for crossfit this year Ive had a goal in my strength training. While trying to get a stronger back squat I went a month going heavy. Without really thinking about the intensity I was getting stronger and working my way to a 405lb squat and I had PRd my front squat at 335lbs. All was going well and then my back suffered some kind of injury which I'm still not sure what the problem is. I am going to get it checked soon because it has held me back training for regionals. While researching strength training and intensity I came across something that made a light bulb go off in my head.  Zatorsky states, “If an athlete trains a certain lift above 90% for more than 3 weeks they will experience a negative training effect.” Well there we go. You would think I would of known this but sometimes athletes have to learn the hard way.

Key point: A lifter should change the training stimulus of key movements every 1-3 weeks to avoid accommodation. Thus allowing the athlete to train with constant near max intensity week in and week out. By changing the movements or bar a lifter can continue to get stronger over a long period of time.

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