
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Your time is coming"

This morning I had a little down time so I took off to Academy thinking I might go buy a shirt for work. I looked around then figured I dont really need a shirt so I left. I wanted to stop by a gas station to get some razors to keep at work to stay fresh and clean. As I pulled in it dawned on me I didn't have my wallet. I asked the Lord what the heck! Knowing He gave me the idea to pull into the gas station to show me I didn't have my wallet I thought I'm glad I knew then because I wouldn't of noticed tell later in the day. So I embarked back to Academy in conversation with the Lord asking Him what are you teaching me in this, because He has really been teaching me so much lately. I have been injured and haven't been able to train for regionals which has been a discouragement to me. There are a couple other things but we will keep it at that. Anyway I walked back into Academy and the first thing that caught my eye was a shirt that had written on it "Your time is coming". I knew instantly that was a message from the Lord about all I was going through. I also knew thats why the whole turn of events happend. Thank you God that you speak in the small things when we have our ears and eyes open to you. What is God allowing in your life today to get you attention and dependance on Him?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spiritual WOD

Commit this scripture to memory:

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

Your treasures are stored up in heaven with God. Seek after HIM and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Monday, May 23, 2011

How to be content in any situation

Contentment...What a hard thing. Well this morning I woke up early to be with the Lord and seek to know Him and His plan for me. For some reason the fact of knowing what He has has sometimes scared me because I know in my heart it might call for me to give something up. Maybe everything. Who in their right mind ever wants to give something up they love and desire to do? Well anyone who commits their lives to Jesus Christ. I have given him my life, and trying to continuley give him ever piece of my heart he wants. My prayer is to be committed to the Lord and to whatever He wants me to do. Is it hard at times? Heck yeah. Does it cause pain? Does it cause discouragement? You bet, but I believe only for a moment. I am natrually selfish and I think everyone is if they are honest with themselves, and sometimes we dont want to give up things. I believe the Lord works all things together for the good of those who love Him, and I sure love Jesus. Everything that is going on with us is most of the time a mystery that only God the Father knows. Thats why its hard to be content in situations because we don't know the outcome. This is all coming from just sitting this morning and thinking to myself that there is a great chance I wont be able to compete at regionals this year because of a back problem. God knows I want to go because I enjoy pushing my limits and competing against myself and other athletes. Its hard to swallow that I might not go but I know God is teaching me something in this. I know there is a time and a season for everything. I believe God teaches us in things we enjoy doing. Sometimes good, and sometimes bad. We must learn to be content in any situation and know God has a plan for us. No matter what keep your eyes on God for He is our protector. No matter how hard your circumstance is and even if you dont want to talk to God about it. Do it.

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. 1 Timothy 6:6

Know these things:
1. Conditions are always changing, therefore I must obviously not be dependent upon conditions.
2. What matters supremely and vitally is my soul and my relationship to God--that is the first thing.
3. God is concerned about me as my Father, and nothing happens to me apart from God. Even the very hairs of my head are all numbered. I must never forget that.
4. God's will and God's ways are a great mystery, but I know that whatever He wills or permits is of necessity for my good.
5. Every situation in life is the unfolding of some manifestation of God's love and goodness. Therefore my business is to look for this peculiar manifestation of God's goodness and kindness and to be prepared for surprises and blessings because 'His ways are not my ways, neither His thoughts my thoughts.'
6. I must regard circumstances and conditions, not in and of themselves therefore, but as a part of God's dealings with me in the work of perfecting my soul and bringing me to final perfection.
7. Whatever my conditions may be at this present moment they are only temporary, they are only passing, and they can never rob me of the joy and the glory that ultimately await me with Christ.

Friday, May 20, 2011


So the workouts are out for regionals and of course they look "Nasty" as Ben would say. But what in life that has any worth is easy? Anything that doesn't push me past my limits I have come to the conclusion I will do it in my own strength. I enjoy getting to compete in CrossFit because I always have to rely on God to help me through. My heart desires is to compete and do well while glorifying Jesus Christ. I want to push my limits this year at regionals and see what happens. I'm going to go into it this year with a no limits attitude. Putting it all on the line and seeing what happens. Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This year I'm taking that scripture to heart and action. I just pray that God gives me strength to push and go beyond my limits and that He will be glorified. It will definitely have to be him because I have been held back in my training with a back problem. A blessing in disguise? I sure hope so!! No matter what I want to go into it with a "No Limits Performance". Bottom line is even if I cant I pray God to use it. I got awesome people around me which makes for a fun time.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finding your purpose

Here recently the Lord has been pushing me towards something. I'm blindly making baby steps towards a plan Hes got but still with some hesitation. Its always been a struggle for me to "walk by faith" into the unknown. Why might you ask? Well fear of the unknown, fear of giving up my so called agenda, my plans I try to make for myself, and fear of rejection and failure. God has something bigger than ourselves planned for eachone of us. Its called our mission. We all have a place of ministry in the body of Christ, but God gives specific unique missions for each person. So if you have been in a place that God is shaping you and building your character keep allowing him to nudge you. He is releasing missions right now, and He is trying to get us to place of an open heart, spirit, mind, and will so we might go to new heights.

Here is a cool way to find more about what your mission might be. Its your SHAPE.

Spiritual gifts
Hearts desires

Somwhere lying in who God shaped you to be is where your mission is.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.  Luke 9:23-24

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wrestling with the All Mighty

In these past months does it feel you have been wrestling with God about something? I know in my walk with the Lord here lately I have felt a struggle. A struggle to live in peace, in faith, and mainly trust. I have had a hesitation in my relationship with God. Even at times scared to pray the prayer of surrender, and say Lord here I am, do as you will. Although He will do what He needs to do anyway because I am his son. I get scared of what the Father might do or take away from me once let go, but why would I when Jeremiah 29:11 says different? It all comes down to trusting my father and walking by faith. Last night I came to the story of Jacob and felt like myself and maybe the body of Christ was in a place of wrestling with God. I have been trying to train for regionals, but have had a constant back problem causing me to back off. Also having to constantly seek the Lord. It reminded me when Jacob wrestled with God to recieve his blessing. God threw his hip out of joint. God did this so that Jacob would always have to lean and rely on God. So while we wrestle with God we might come out injured but God is a redeemer, and a healer, and a deliverer, and we must constantly lean on him. I know from experince because God pulled me out of a drug addiction and delivered me instantly. Jacob was wrestling with God for a spiritual blessing. I have been really struggling with God to recieve a peace that surpasses all understanding, more of his love, a deeper understanding, and a deeper walk with Him. In my core I want His living presence in my life at all times. We have to be willing to wrestle God for our spiritual blessing! So, if you have been feeling you have been going at it with God keep fighting. Dont give up because God loves a good tangle. We have to meet go ONE on ONE. Thats when he truly changes us from the inside out. From the secret place.

Jacob had to meet God. He had to be changed in his inner
man. That night he slept in the camp. But in the middle of the night,
he got up and moved his family across the river. He also sent all of
his possessions across. That night, Jacob remained alone. He was
without his family and without his worldly possessions. Everyone must
meet God alone. We cannot depend on anyone or anything.
That night Jacob wrestled with God. He would not give up. Even when
his hip was thrown out of joint, he held on. He said, "I will not let
go until you bless me." Jacob had everything. What blessing could he
want? He wanted peace. He wanted freedom from fear. He wanted a
spiritual blessing.

Toward the end of his life, Jacob confessed that man's life is a
pilgrimage (47:9) This is a precious truth. Even though we work hard
and live well, we must not forget that man's life is a pilgrimage. We
must also remember that we need God's blessing. No matter how hard we
work, without God's blessing our lives are empty and miserable. Jacob
knew that though he had worked hard, he had succeeded because of God's
blessing. Now he wanted a spiritual blessing. He wanted God's living
presence in his life. He wanted to be a spiritual man.

My prayer: God we want your living presence in our lives. Help us come to a deeper place with you and be freed from fear.Give us strength and peace that surpasses all understing. Set us on a firm foundation and build our faith so we may be unshakable. Help us run and not grow weary because you say we will reap a harvest in due time. Thank you God for pursuing us violently. Thank you for your grace and patience. In Jesus name. Amen.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Avoiding Injury while going heavy

So while training for crossfit this year Ive had a goal in my strength training. While trying to get a stronger back squat I went a month going heavy. Without really thinking about the intensity I was getting stronger and working my way to a 405lb squat and I had PRd my front squat at 335lbs. All was going well and then my back suffered some kind of injury which I'm still not sure what the problem is. I am going to get it checked soon because it has held me back training for regionals. While researching strength training and intensity I came across something that made a light bulb go off in my head.  Zatorsky states, “If an athlete trains a certain lift above 90% for more than 3 weeks they will experience a negative training effect.” Well there we go. You would think I would of known this but sometimes athletes have to learn the hard way.

Key point: A lifter should change the training stimulus of key movements every 1-3 weeks to avoid accommodation. Thus allowing the athlete to train with constant near max intensity week in and week out. By changing the movements or bar a lifter can continue to get stronger over a long period of time.

Intensity vs Effort

From time to time, we here at TTMJ receive tongue-in-check questions, while most are easy to dismiss, sometimes they are thought provoking.
I received one recently, asking if I thought constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity was a solid programming philosophy.
Yes, without a doubt.
When you hear the phrase spoken, visions of athletes huddled together in a garage or dingy warehouse doing pull ups comes to mind. This phrase comes directly from the CrossFit playbook, as CrossFit teaches functional movements and increased work capacity over unknown times and unknown circumstances.
But lets take a step back and examine this.
To me, the term “constantly varied” refers to a conjugated method of training. Zatorsky states, “If an athlete trains a certain lift above 90% for more than 3 weeks they will experience a negative training effect.” To combat these effects, Louie Simmons uses the conjugated method outlined by Zatorsky in Science and Practice of Strength Training, where a lifter will change the training stimulus of key movements every 1-3 weeks to avoid accommodation. Thus allowing the athlete to train with constant near max intensity week in and week out. By changing the movements or bar a lifter can continue to get stronger over a long period of time.
Westside lifters will rotate max effort, or 1 RM, movements every week. Rotating between various squats and presses with various bars to various box heights and boards. They pull sumo and conventional deadlifts and do countless types of good mornings. On their speed days they will change the accommodating resistance, bars and box heights. This is all done to avoid accommodation by the body.
Olympic lifters will use the same method by varying their cleans, snatches and pulls from the floor, below the knees, the high hang at various percentages and rep maxes. They will perform partial lifts from boxes of every height; do full lifts, power and partial versions. They will use many types of squats and step-ups to avoid accommodation.
In contrast, much of the training we see in functional fitness is a concurrent method of training, where all the abilities are developed in a given time period. A system where strength and endurance are trained simultaneously.
I hate the term “functional movement,” it reminds me someone talking to a farmer at the turn of the century about organic foods. The only term more abused via cyber training gurus is the term “core.”
What is a “functional movement?”
For most, a functional movement boils down to anything not machine based. However, I find exceptions to this rule everywhere.
Is the WSB Reverse Hyper Machine a “functional movement?”
Is the Versa Climber or C2 Rower a “functional movement?”
Yes. The only people that would say no have probably never used a Reverse Hyper and surely have never suffered the effects of a Versa Climber or a C2.
And lastly, “performed at high intensity”. When 99% of the population hears the word intensity they think of an NFL football player lining up on the goal line or a girl grunting during a backhand on match point at Wimbledon. In functional fitness community, intensity is related to the speed and effort in which the workout is performed. This helps to support the CF definition of fitness, “Increased work capacity of broad time and modal domains.”
In contrast, when I hear the term intensity, I think of heavy weights, and more specifically, rep maxes. A repetition maximum or RM, is the most weight you can lift for a defined number of exercise movements. A 1 RM, for example, is the heaviest weight you can lift for a single maximum effort. A 5 RM would be the heaviest weight that can be lifted for 5 reps.
A 10 RM would be the heaviest weight you could lift for 10 consecutive exercise repetitions. And if after the set you could do another rep max matching the weight and reps, then it was not a rep max. A rep max is one set and done.
Zatorksky describes high intensity as being any lift over 90% of your 1 RM. If you head to the gym to perform a 2 RM at 95+% of your 1 RM back squat you are training a functional movement at high intensity. If you come back next week and perform a 1 RM at 97.5-105% of your single rep max in the front squat, you are performing a constantly varied functional movement done at high intensity.
In contrast, if you are head the gym and load up 35% of your 1 RM snatch and perform 100 reps as fast as possible no matter how fast you go, this is not training with high intensity. This is just doing a ton of low intensity volume as fast as you can. The attempt to decrease time domains with high speed, low intensity, high volume training to failure lives in the land of muscular endurance. Strength and power reside on the other side of the spectrum with speed, heavy weights and low volume.
Don’t confuse high effort with high intensity.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spiritual WOD

We are constantly being dicsiplined by our Father because He loves us so much. This week stop and ask Him where in your walk He wants to help dicsipline you. Do it knowing that it will grow you so much closer to Him and that He will get the glory in all you do.

My prayer:
Father, this week help us grow closer to you. Help us trust you in every area of our walk. Help us grow and mature in wisdom and in love. Show us places where you want to help us so that we may glorify you in all we do. Above all strengthen our spirits and release boldness and courage in us. In Jesus name. Amen.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

At the time, discipline isn't much fun. It always feels like it's going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it's the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God. Hebrews 12:11 The Message

What is CrossFit football?

CrossFit Football is a strength and conditioning program designed for football players and participants in contact sports.

We use organic functional movements performed at high intensity to simulate the demands placed on an athlete during a football game. Football is a game of seconds and inches. CrossFit Football knows the demands placed on players during the game and the distances they will have to travel. With this in mind, we can replicate the stresses and situations a player will face on the field. By combining high intensity movements with a comprehensive strength and speed program, the result is a training program that is unparalleled in the industry.
How do we know CrossFit Football's programming works? Because it has been designed by NFL players and some of the top coaches in the world. Not only has it been created by top athletes, but it has been used to compete at the highest levels of professional sports. The utility of this program is not theoretical; it has not been designed by someone that thinks it might work, but by athletes and coaches that have dominated at the highest levels of competitive athletics.
The CrossFit Football program is designed to work for all players regardless of age or experience. The loads, distances, times, intensity, and programming can be scaled, and the program has been designed to meet the needs of athletes at all levels of training advancement.
Every football player needs to be strong in mind, heart and body. He needs to be fast and explosive. He needs to be able to perform when tired and exhausted. This applies to NFL players the same as it applies to Pop Warner.
CrossFit Football meets these needs, for all players.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Preparing for Regionals

Coming out of sectionals and sitting in 38th place my mind is telling me I need to keep working hard, keep lifting heavy weights, get faster, more mobile, better skilled, and better mentally prepared at the challange ahead. I have a desire to be at the top as any other athlete who enjoys to compete. But is this the year or not is what rolls through my head. Am I even good enough to compete with those top guys? They are so dang strong and fast. While all this goes through my head my lower back is in pain. Again is this your will for me God? With the negitive thoughts I have to slow down and say I trust you Lord. I have to set fear aside and believe in my Father that He makes no mistakes. He knows whats best for me, and to get where I am going I have to learn what He is teaching me in the now. Of course I want to be going all out in training and getting better, but what if I have this injury because God has something for me to do so much bigger? He has something to tell me that could change my life and others. One thing I know He is talking to me clearly about is balance, and serving Him above all things. I know in my heart I am gifted at what I do, and I want to use my God given abilities to pursue competetion in crossfit. I can't forget that He wants to use them for His glory and for serving others. Maybe this injury is to get my attention on what really matters which isnt myself. I believe if Im serving God and others my dreams and desires to compete at crossfit will just come natrually. So Lord here I am. I am yours. I trust you. As scary as that may be. God never makes a mistake.

Luke 9:23-25

Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat—I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Want to run fast?

Today some of my clients ended with some sprints. I said go and saw low kness, slow striking feet, short arm pumps, and slow running. When they got back I gave them a couple cues as knees up and out, pull the earth beneath you, and punch and hammer for the arms. The second one I saw speed. It got me thinking...God has created our bodies to adapt and do amazing things. We are all capable of being fast. I use these simple sprint mechanics in Crossfit football. So if you are looking to get faster, stronger, and be a more powerful athlete, come see me. We are doing things right at Premier Fitness

Heres some motivation to run perfect and FAST!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spiritual WOD

Pride vs Humility

Whats one area of your walk with God do you need to practice humility?

Anywhere in your christian life where you feel defeat, Christ is not Lord. Ask God today what area you need to let him become Lord and watch Him change your situation.

But he gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but favors the humble.” James 4:6

Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor. Proverbs 29:23