
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Good morning supplements

These are the supplements I am currently taking.
Catalyst- Great amino acid supplement from Advacare. Helps support muscle tone, enhances energy and strength during physical activity.
Joint Support- Promotes joint flexibility, lubrication, mobility, and comfort.
Performance Multivitamin- Natrually increases energy, electrolyte support, and helps protect cell damage.
Vitamin D3- Helps energy levels, promotes better sleep, and increases testostrione.(I have been taking D3 for almost three weeks now and can tell a difference in energy levels)
Fish oil- Omega-3 fatty acid our body doesnt produce, so ALL people need to be taking in fish oil.

With being a Crossfit coach I am usually up at 4am, and not in bed tell 9-10pm, so I am always looking for the best ways of nutrition and supplementation to increase energy and performance. With these supplements and correct nutrition I feel my performance has been at its best.

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