
Monday, August 29, 2011

Traning Blog

Well I've been away from my blog from sometime now, and had the idea I needed to get back to it. I decided to start doing a training blog to monitor my crossfit training, some life training, and some at home workouts for anyone who is interested. Hopefully I can put on some cool videos to help motivate and help others improve on their life and training. I just got back from a vacation and before I went I had logged a good 8 weeks of training. After regionals I am dedicated to sticking to a pretty strict strength program while keeping up my conditioning and crossfit wods(workout of the day) Today was day one back on getting after it for the 2012 competition.

Monday 8/29/2010


5 rounds
5 power cleans 185
20 double unders

Time: 4:34

Max effort snatch/Dynamic OH squat

Squat snatch
75%x5 80%x5 85%x5 working out a max of 190 so weights were 135/145/155
Power snatch 3x10 55% 1RM 95/105/105
OH squat 5x2 I used bands and kbs for stabilization. For dynamic movements need to be fast and explosive

At home workout:
5 rounds
20 air squats
20 push ups

Today was my first day back, so it was a little tough getting back into the swing of things. I am looking forward to the new cycle of training. I have alot more olympic lifting going on which is a weakness of mine so it should be fun.

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