
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Experience at Regionals

My experience this year at regionals I would have to say was pretty good.  I ended up 23rd among some amazing athletes. Going into regionals I had alot of self doubt and a lack of confidence not knowing what was going to happen because I felt under trained and a lack of strength. I believe that the Lord had me right where He wanted me. This year He really showed me that I can do nothing in my own strength. Growing up I never really had to rely on the Lord. I just used my natrual abilities in sports and I achieved some great things. With CrossFit I have really had to rely on Him because there always seems to be some kind of weakness exploided. Thats why I love it. Because it leads me to wanting more, and takes me to a place of bettering myself as a man, and athlete. It will bring you to such a place of weakness you really get to find out what your all about. In those moments is when I become closer to God, because they are when Im most weak and vunerable. Those moments I learn what it takes to be a champion. Although Im not there yet, I will never give up on myself because I know there is something so much bigger and greater living and thriving inside. With all that said I look forward to training for 2012 on purpose. That purpose is be the best I can be, grow closer to God, and learn more about who I am. Most important I just want to live on purpose and become a greater man, husband, son, and friend. CrossFit is just a tool I use to push myself to be great. I know that championships and medals fade away but who we are last forever. I want to leave this earth knowing I never gave up, and gave it all that I could to be great, and hopefully along the way I get to help and show others they can do the same. So heres to next year...

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7

All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally.I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! 1 Corinthians 9:25-26


Thursday, June 16, 2011

CrossFit Football nutrition

Performance Nutrition is critical for success on the field and long term health.

Making progress on the field and in the weight room starts with proper nutrition. The key to gaining muscle, increased strength, and overall health come from paying attention to what you put in your body. The problem most people, athletes included, have is that the popular nutritional culture in this country is far from ideal. We have 16-year-old kids weighing over 300 lbs. because they believe this gives them a chance to attain a scholarship or play on Sundays. This is not a path to the NCAA or NFL; it is a path to obesity and illness. Being overweight is a problem and it doesn't matter if the athlete is a football player or not. Eating everything to put on size is not the answer. Don't power down junk food just to gain size, because the size you will gain isn't good weight. It is fat; it's useless, it will slow you down on the field, and will decrease performance and overall health

Although absolute size and strength are vital, better body composition means a more powerful athlete.

Recovery and muscle gains cannot happen with poor nutrition.

The eating habits we establish remain with us throughout life. It is very hard to eat one way while playing football and expect to change the diet after a football career is over. Good habits are formed while the discipline of training hard develops too.

Remember: what you don't know can hurt you. In this country the American Dietetics Association recommends a high-carb, low fat, grain based diet. This is a pro-inflammatory diet, counterproductive for muscle growth, recovery and performance.

Grains cause stomach problems for some people and play havoc on your body's chemistry. Removing gluten improves digestion and improves recovery.

We are finding that a Junk Food diet causes even more problems than the ADA Diet.  This is where an athlete consumes garbage calories with no nutritive value. This leads to decreased performance and excess body fat.

Is there a better way? Yes. CrossFit Football Nutrition.

The CrossFit Football Diet plus Dairy: the simplicity of the diet blends optimum performance and health. We can’t say it any simpler than this…Eat meat, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables, roots, tubers, bulbs, herbs and spices as well as animal fats, olives & olive oil, coconut and dairy.

The goal is to consume 1 gram of protein per lb. of body weight.
The way to maximize muscle growth is to provide the body with adequate protein for growth and recovery, hormonal control for better body composition…and improved growth and recovery!

One gallon of whole Milk contains 2400 calories. This is an excellent source of proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Dense calorie sources are a must, like whole milk and meats.

There is growth potential beyond calories by consuming whole milk. Increased IGF, hGH, insulin, testosterone come from drinking whole milk. These are all potent growth promoters. Whey Protein acts similar to milk. It is a fast acting protein and a good supplement when trying to achieve 1 gram of protein per lb. of bodyweight.

For most Football players there is no calorie restriction. 4 to 6 meals per day is the goal.

Post workout or practice meals should contain proteins and carbohydrates. Whole milk and whey protein are ideal and a non-insulin mediated glucose transport takes place. So take advantage of growth and recovery potential post-workout by making sure to eat a protein and carbohydrate meal with 1 hour of working out.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Take what's yours"

Have you ever felt like you have been stolen from? Or like something is yours and then it's gone? I know in my life I feel like sometimes I missed out, or fell short of something that was mine. I also know I serve a challanging God is who always nudging me and pushing me towards my destiny. This year specially I have been feeling the Lord push at me, sometimes to even making me angry and frustrated. But I am always thankful that He doesn't give up on me because He must see something I don't. I am on a mission to seeing what He see's and taking whats mine. I was walking through the gym today and I heard "take whats yours." I am tired of the devil stealing from me and my destiny, but also thankful the Lord allows it to wake me up. I pray God keeps pushing me towards my passion and my destiny. So, if this is you too hold on. God is trying to get you to your next place. Each road is a road toward our desiny. We must not stop when the devil steals from us because God gives life and life in abundance. We must TAKE whats ours and proclaim what is ours. Even out loud! So right now in Jesus name I say that whatever the devil has stolen from me and my family I say you have to pay it back. I pray Lord you give us a passion for you and your dreams for us and that we may be filled with your spirit and your strength to take whats ours. And when things get hard you would keep pushing us forward and give us understanding that you are building us up to recieve what you have. Let's take whats ours! Search out your passion and where you are called to be. God show us. Lead us. We come to you for guidance.
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10

Don't hate on my song. lol

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Positive thinking"

Raise your hand if you have been thinking negatively this week.(My hand is up too). Did you know that God showed us long ago to be careful how we think because our life is shaped by our thoughts? That means the way we think determines our emotions and our emotions determine our actions. Our words and thoughts can determine our destiny also. We have got to start taking negative thoughts captive and reversing it to positive thinking. Lets be realistic here though. I know I myself can be pretty optimistic, so let's try to think realistically with positive thoughts. What lately has been something negative creep into your mind? Doubt? fear? worry? Those are three things I know I struggle with. You know another thing I struggle with? Discouragement. Why? Because I sometimes allow these thoughts to creep into my mind and then it gets into my emotions so then I suddenly get hit with discouragement! So I am going to challenge myself to begin to take every thought captive and think positive. No matter the circumstance we are in, good or bad the word of God says No weapon formed against you shall prosper(Isaiah 57:17) The only weapon that can prosper into our lives are negative thoughts and words. It also says we will stay in CONSTANT peace who's mind is stayed on God.(Isaiah 26:3) To finish Proverbs 4:23 says, "Be care how you think: your life is shaped by your thoughts.

So the challenge today is no matter the circumstance lets try to think straight keeping our thoughts and mind of Christ!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Faith Goals

Time to build our FAITH.
List three things you want to let God help you build your faith
Then write out a plan for all three.
Also, list three long term goals.
Let the journey begin.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Don't wear out your welcome"

Have you not heard it ever since you were young. "Don't wear out your welcome." When I was young I never really understood what that meant. Who wants to back off of doing something they love and enjoy right? And who in their right mind would get tired of hanging out with me? Joke. Well ever since I injured my back I have had to take some time off of training and getting ready for regionals. Oh crap how do you not train and be ready for something so intense. When you find the answer let me know. All I can think of is the strength of my savior, which I'm going to need indeed. Anyways, back to don't wear out your welcome. When you don't get to do something you enjoy for awhile you actually start to miss it, and wish you could be doing it. The same is with me about crossfit. When doing it all the time I actually want to get away from it and take some time off so I don't become consumed by it or in my case become injured and "wear out my welcome." So, I actually got to get back into some training this week. I wasn't really planning on doing to much since I just got back into the gym. I was just going to do a couple 1000m runs trying to get prepared for the first workout which is 1000m, 30 handstand push ups, 1000m row. As I got done with my 1000m run I kinda staggered into the crossfit room and got a burst of energy to keep moving and moving fast. I flipped up onto the wall and busted out my 30 handstand push ups flipped back down grabbed a rower and rowed hard for 1000m. I dont know what my time was, but I felt good. When I got done with my endorfine release I entered into a moment with the Lord and thanked him for blessing me and allowing me to workout. We both know how much I enjoy the exliterating feeling I get during and after I workout. I never really thought how blessed we are to actually have the bodies to do such things. When we get consumed with something we sometimes forget that its God allowing it and its actually a gift we get to use and enjoy. It says all gifts come from heaven and I myself need to realize that more often. After I sat there I heard, "don't wear out your welcome." Again I knew that was the Lord telling me don't get so consumed with things, specially crossfit. Take time away from it, and spend more time with me is what I felt the Lord saying. Once we take time off of things we enjoy and put that time into knowing Jesus we will actually enjoy the things we think we love. As your mom or dad once said, "don't wear out your welcome."