
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Deload week on Heavy Lifting. I will get back to the next cycle next monday.

Monday 9/19/11


Deadlift 225lbs
Handstand push up

10 rounds
30 seconds sprint/30 second rest

I'm about to be only training 3 days a week I want to see how that goes with my body. I also need to get some things in line, and TRY not to focus so much on my training but with other things in life. Most importantly God. Its going to look something like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ill do some interval or conditioning/skill in the early morning and late afternoon when I get off work, while getting a WOD and some strength in mid afternoon. I will probably do 2-a-days on these days. Tuesday and thursday will be more then likely days I just concentrate on mobilty and rest. We will see how it goes!

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