
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wrestling with the All Mighty

In these past months does it feel you have been wrestling with God about something? I know in my walk with the Lord here lately I have felt a struggle. A struggle to live in peace, in faith, and mainly trust. I have had a hesitation in my relationship with God. Even at times scared to pray the prayer of surrender, and say Lord here I am, do as you will. Although He will do what He needs to do anyway because I am his son. I get scared of what the Father might do or take away from me once let go, but why would I when Jeremiah 29:11 says different? It all comes down to trusting my father and walking by faith. Last night I came to the story of Jacob and felt like myself and maybe the body of Christ was in a place of wrestling with God. I have been trying to train for regionals, but have had a constant back problem causing me to back off. Also having to constantly seek the Lord. It reminded me when Jacob wrestled with God to recieve his blessing. God threw his hip out of joint. God did this so that Jacob would always have to lean and rely on God. So while we wrestle with God we might come out injured but God is a redeemer, and a healer, and a deliverer, and we must constantly lean on him. I know from experince because God pulled me out of a drug addiction and delivered me instantly. Jacob was wrestling with God for a spiritual blessing. I have been really struggling with God to recieve a peace that surpasses all understanding, more of his love, a deeper understanding, and a deeper walk with Him. In my core I want His living presence in my life at all times. We have to be willing to wrestle God for our spiritual blessing! So, if you have been feeling you have been going at it with God keep fighting. Dont give up because God loves a good tangle. We have to meet go ONE on ONE. Thats when he truly changes us from the inside out. From the secret place.

Jacob had to meet God. He had to be changed in his inner
man. That night he slept in the camp. But in the middle of the night,
he got up and moved his family across the river. He also sent all of
his possessions across. That night, Jacob remained alone. He was
without his family and without his worldly possessions. Everyone must
meet God alone. We cannot depend on anyone or anything.
That night Jacob wrestled with God. He would not give up. Even when
his hip was thrown out of joint, he held on. He said, "I will not let
go until you bless me." Jacob had everything. What blessing could he
want? He wanted peace. He wanted freedom from fear. He wanted a
spiritual blessing.

Toward the end of his life, Jacob confessed that man's life is a
pilgrimage (47:9) This is a precious truth. Even though we work hard
and live well, we must not forget that man's life is a pilgrimage. We
must also remember that we need God's blessing. No matter how hard we
work, without God's blessing our lives are empty and miserable. Jacob
knew that though he had worked hard, he had succeeded because of God's
blessing. Now he wanted a spiritual blessing. He wanted God's living
presence in his life. He wanted to be a spiritual man.

My prayer: God we want your living presence in our lives. Help us come to a deeper place with you and be freed from fear.Give us strength and peace that surpasses all understing. Set us on a firm foundation and build our faith so we may be unshakable. Help us run and not grow weary because you say we will reap a harvest in due time. Thank you God for pursuing us violently. Thank you for your grace and patience. In Jesus name. Amen.

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