
Friday, May 20, 2011


So the workouts are out for regionals and of course they look "Nasty" as Ben would say. But what in life that has any worth is easy? Anything that doesn't push me past my limits I have come to the conclusion I will do it in my own strength. I enjoy getting to compete in CrossFit because I always have to rely on God to help me through. My heart desires is to compete and do well while glorifying Jesus Christ. I want to push my limits this year at regionals and see what happens. I'm going to go into it this year with a no limits attitude. Putting it all on the line and seeing what happens. Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This year I'm taking that scripture to heart and action. I just pray that God gives me strength to push and go beyond my limits and that He will be glorified. It will definitely have to be him because I have been held back in my training with a back problem. A blessing in disguise? I sure hope so!! No matter what I want to go into it with a "No Limits Performance". Bottom line is even if I cant I pray God to use it. I got awesome people around me which makes for a fun time.

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