
Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Heart of a lion"

I wanted to talk a little bit about my experience of winning the heart of a lion at the fittest games in hopes to encourage you. On my way to Austin that Friday afternoon I checked the workouts we would be doing. I saw a few things I was confident in and a few things that gave me a nervous stomach. One of those few things was a 225lb thruster at the end of a workout. I began to think to myself that my max thruster is 235lbs, much less it was at the end of a hard workout filled with heavy thrusters and muscle ups. I took on the nerves with confidence that no matter what I was going to give it all I had. I prayed and asked God to just do his thing and that no matter what I would give him glory for it. In my walk with God I come to find out more and more that when I give my worries over to him wither it be a workout in a competition or with life's experiences period he always meets me. Wither it may be in a failure or success. He is always there. His word says so. Before the workout I just told God to bring it. The workout began and I worked my way through the wod with the 225lb thruster in the back of my head. When 205 felt somewhat heavy I had a little self doubt kick in. Then here it came; the first attempt. I failed. The second attempt, failed. The third attempt, failed again. I took a big step back in somewhat defeat, but begin to tell myself I know I can do this. I wasn't going to let the doubt get the best of me. I prayed again, come on Lord. Help me. That simple. I approached the bar one more time knowing it was going to be my last attempt. I took the bar into my squat and gave it all I had and the bar started moving up, and I locked it out over my head. Ive never felt so much power in an accomplishment because I knew in my heart why it happened. God had come through. So, what to take from this small victory? That no matter how many times we fail He is there with us, and the faith we have in God and not our self makes things happen. We just have to walk in boldness and trust him. That's what we can do all things through Christ means. A lion represents boldness, courage, and tenacity. HE is the supplier of these things. Go get you some.

Check out the video our friend Chris Rollins put together.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are you doing your shoulder therapy?

Just an update on a little of what I've added into my training the past month. Back in the glory days when I played quarterback I threw, threw, and threw. Along with so much work in my shoulder from football, boxing, and doing something I am to this day not proud of (which I'll keep to myself) I ended up with a shoulder injury. While crossfit puts a demand on shoulders I have come to a place where I am sick of pain and loss in strength and my shoulders. I asked one my my fellow crossfit coaches which is a mobility specialist what I could do to help. He gave me a couple exercises that includes two 5lb dumbbells, and a resistance band. Once I knew what I had to do I didn't waste any time. The past month I have done therapy 3-4 times a week. It usually takes me 20-30 min, and after one month I can feel the tightness and stabilization I have been looking for. Back when I hurt my shoulder I had a physical therapist tell me the same thing but then I was like that's not going to help me. Why do we sometimes wait so long to just put in the time and work!? God is still working in me about "instant success". Sorry people it doesn't work. What do you want to get better at?(Shoulder strength/stabilization) Whats the price your willing to pay? (Time). Whats one discipline a day you got to do? (Do the work!)

So here's my 20-30 min routine:
2x20 on the band of:
internal shoulder rotations for rotator cuff
external shoulder rotations for rotator cuff
Scar crows


2x20 with 5 lb dumbbells
with arms straight out to your side do 20 rotations
with arms straight out front do 20 rotations


side raises with thumbs up
bent over front raises

Monday, January 2, 2012

Paleo challange

It's challenge time again! I started my 28 day paleo challenge today. I feel pretty good about it since my eating hasn't been up to par the past couple of months. I have been training hard, but I feel the number one source to the best results is lagging. Nutrition is the foundation for your fitness and health goals. I know this because I have done a 21 day challenge before and felt my energy levels much higher along with my performance. Whether you are competing in Cross fit or just trying to improve your life what you eat is key. I have learned that instant results are the worst mindset known to man. Our culture has developed this "I want it now mentality", which is detrimental when you are trying to eat better for maximum results. It takes time! Just like anything else in life that has worth. I want to keep you updated with how it goes along with food ideas, and more on the paleo lifestyle. So, here we go. One simple choice a day over time will create our success. Will a bad choice in diet kill me today, or tomorrow? Nope, but will it overtime? You better believe it. So make today a fresh start, and when tomorrow comes choose that same fresh start again, and again, and again, until one day you have created a habit of success! Lets get it!

Here is the basics of paleo.