
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Take God out of the box

I haven't blog in a long time, but just wanted to blog about a few things God has really been stirring my spirit about.
God is calling us to a place where we must worship him in spirit and in truth. Are you really struggling to worship God for who He is? I can tell you the problem because He has began to show me. You are trying to worship Him for who you want Him to be! That is not in truth. We can search Him out because He tells us He will tell us great and unsearchable things we do not know. We become so tired and weary because we are trying to do something we were never intended to do, which is put God in a box and believe what we want to believe because we want it our way. God has convicted me that I cannot come before Him with preconceived notions, and the intent to search out truths with a belief already in place. This can be something I want to believe because it fits into the lifestyle I want to live, or something man has told me and I'll just go with it because I'm to lazy to get before God and seek Him. We must come before God with open hearts, spirits, and minds and allow Him to instill in us His truth and his belief. God wants us to get back into perfect unity with Him which requires HARD WORK AND DEDICATION just like any other relationship. It requires to open up his word, asking others you trust what they have learned over time, discussing it with others with an open mind, and getting before the Father who created you and ask Him to show you. He will! He loves to for a matter of fact. He just wants us to want to! That in itself is a prayer and desire we must get to. If we aren't there its OKAY. Its takes time. I myself want to be there. Trust me there are days(alot of them) I just don't. God knows us pretty well. Its time be be authentic and open to what God wants to show us. Hes fed up with preconceived notions and going with the flow of things. So, I'm done. Lets get to know God for who He is, and get to know ourselves for who we are. Time to worship God in spirit and in truth. I'm on a journey to know God for who He is, come with me.